

Friday, July 3, 2015

Farewell Lukas Podolski! Big Sol – the best defensive signing by Arsene Wenger?

Morning all.
Back in 2001 and on this very day, Big Sol switched North London Clubs and became an Arsenal player. That didn’t go down very well with the neighbours did it and what a cheeky move by Arsene Wenger eh and probably one of the best defenders he’s signed during his time as Arsenal manager.
Galatasaray have completed the signing of Arsenal’s Lukas Podolski on a 3-year deal for €4 million according to Bild.
Image result for lukas podolski arsenal
Lukas Podolski has had an odd Arsenal career really. He arrived in the summer when RvP jumped ship and great things were expected by many but he’s not really lived up to those expectations has he? He possesses one of the best left feet in the game I’d say but that’s been about it. He’s not a workhorse and unlike Santi Cazorla who has learned how to put a shift in during a game, the German international couldn’t or simply wouldn’t.
So it’s onto pastures new for him it seems and I wish him well, he’s quite a character really and when he orchestrated the bumps for Arsenal Wenger a couple of years ago and the other FA Cup celebrations, he sure gave us something to chuckle about…
Good luck Lukas!
Looks like he’s not the only one heading out the door this summer, that’s if we are to believe what’s written in The Sun this morning and I mean the newspaper, not the big thing shining in the sky!
David Ospina, Mathieu Flamini, Joel Campbell, Yaya Sanogo and Carl Jenkinson could also be sold in order to make room for a few more summer additions. Goodness only knows who those additions will be but I just hope they are good, darn good!
Seeing as we have been talking about Highbury of late and how we don’t have a single player left in the squad who experienced playing at such a wonderful ground, have you any idea who said this back in 2007 having long departed?
When asked if he still kept an eye on all things Arsenal, he replied:
Yes of course, as much as possible. I have really great memories of being an Arsenal player. They were my first team in Europe and they gave me an opportunity to play for one of the best teams in the world. Being there for two years was a great pleasure for me and I still have a great feeling for the club.
I try to watch the big games from the Premier League, especially if Arsenal are playing of course. As for the supporters, I will never forget them. The atmosphere in the stadiums in England was always incredible.
I’ll never forget Highbury – it was something very different to playing in Brazil. And the fans were very kind to me – they made me a tape of Arsenal songs which I still have.
I’ll give you a clue. We beat Tottenham to his signature, he stayed with us for two seasons and he was Arsenal’s first ever Brazilian. Well as far as I know…. 😉
Ok, it’s easy isn’t it, so easy you don’t need me to tell you…
Finally, a word for James Ward who yesterday reached the 3rd round of Wimbledon for the first time in his life but beating a guy ranked much higher than him. Why the mention? Well, a few years ago he sold his Arsenal season ticket in order to fund his career in tennis and we all like to back a Gooner don’t we?
I loved his comments after the game:
Winning the third round would probably be like Arsenal winning the league next year, to be honest.
After that, we start thinking about Champions League finals! But let’s think about Saturday first.
Good luck to him I say….
That’s it from me for a few days, have a great Friday and good luck to Alexis in the Copa America Cup Final which takes place tomorrow…
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